Health Facts: Abortion with Pills


Abortion Pills Available In Dubai

The two most common ways to safely and effectively end a pregnancy are in-clinic abortions and abortions using FDA-approved abortion pills available in Dubai, also known as medication abortions. In an in-office abortion (sometimes referred to as a “surgical abortion”), a medical professional physically removes the contents of the uterus. In a medication abortion, the pregnancy is induced at home using an FDA-approved drug.

Medication abortion can be used to end a pregnancy for up to 10 weeks from the first day of the last menstrual period. The most effective procedure involves taking two different FDA-approved medications: steppingstone and misoprostol.


  • Originally called RU-486, the brand names include mifepristone and mifepristone, among others
  • It was first developed in France in 1980 and was approved for use in Europe throughout the 1990s.
  • It was approved for use in the UAE by the FDA in 2000 and is currently legally prescribed in more than 60 countries.
  • Since its approval, it has been used safely in combination with misoprostol more than 3.7 million times in the UAE.
  • Safer than many over-the-counter drugs currently sold in the Dubai without a prescription.
  • Due to political restrictions, it is usually only available in the Dubai through health clinics and hospitals, not through Dubai pharmacies.
  • Available through many online pharmacies without a prescription.
  • Misoprostol.
  • Brand names include Cytotec and Misodel.
  • First developed in 1973 for the treatment of stomach ulcers.
  • It is available by prescription at pharmacies in the United States and is usually sold over the counter without a prescription outside the United States.

How does a medication abortion work?

Step 1: Swallow one 200 mg mifepristone tablet with a glass of water to block the hormone progesterone, which helps the uterus ovulate during pregnancy.

Step 2: Up to 48 hours later, take an 800 mg dose of misoprostol (usually four 200 mg tablets) to increase uterine contractions. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully. Misoprostol is most commonly taken by dissolving the tablet under the cheek or tongue, or by inserting the tablet into the vagina rather than swallowing it.

Both drugs are recommended by the World Health Organization and are 99% effective when taken together in this manner.

Alternatively, pregnant women can take misoprostol alone, following a different dose and schedule. (Misoprostol alone has been shown to be 85–90% effective).

What is the difference between a medication abortion and a spontaneous abortion?

FDA-approved abortion medications work by inducing abortion. The emotional experience of a medically induced abortion can be very different from a natural abortion. Everyone will experience the process differently, and that’s okay. There is no right or wrong way to feel!

From a medical point of view, there is no significant physical difference between a medication abortion and a spontaneous abortion. The physical process, risks, warning signs, potential complications, and treatments are the same. For example, medications used in medication abortion are used to help safely manage incomplete abortions.

This is important because it means.

  • Medication abortions simply initiate the same natural process the body does when an early pregnancy ends. As many as 1 out of 5 known pregnancies end in a naturally occurring miscarriage, mostly caused by an accidental chromosomal abnormality that occurs during early embryonic development. Whether the miscarriage occurs naturally or is induced with an FDA-approved abortion pill, it usually resolves safely, without medical intervention, and serious complications are rare.
  • There is no test to determine if you have taken an abortion pill. If you don’t feel comfortable telling your health care provider that you’ve had a medication abortion instead of a spontaneous abortion, there’s no need to do so. Your body is not going to give you away. (It is important to note: vaginally administered misoprostol tablets may take up to four days to dissolve completely. If you are uncomfortable discussing your abortion with your doctor, you may need to remove any undissolved tablets before your pelvic exam).

In states or religiously affiliated hospital systems hostile to abortion rights, people who have spontaneous abortions may face harassment even if they do not take steps to end their pregnancies. For more detail if you need abortion pill in Dubai click right now @ Abortion pills available in Dubai.


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